



Inked is a tale of love and vengeance told in ink on paper. You play as the Nameless Hero who sets out on a journey in a vast landscape filled with puzzles for you to solve. Each puzzle takes you closer to your lost love, unraveling a story that will forever change you.

- A Challenge Ahead
Simple geometrical shapes aid you in your journey. Solve puzzles by using something as simple as a sphere or a cube.

- Venture on a Journey
Different worlds where different parts of the story come together and form a whole. Worlds where you will truly be tested – diving even deeper.

- A Tale of Love
Love changes. Both people and relationships. It creates conflict and comfort, and sometimes it turns dark.

- In Ink on Paper
Inked holds a unique visual art style as it’s told on paper and viewed through the eyes of Adam - the creator of the Nameless Hero. You will travel across a vast geometrical world drawn on paper and unveil its deeper meaning.

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